Gabungan NGO Malaysia & Yaman Lancarkan Kempen Bantuan Kemanusiaan
KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Mac 2021 – Gabungan kemanusiaan yang melibatkan NGO Malaysia dan Yaman telah melancarkan kempen bantuan kemanusiaan untuk mengurangkan penderitaan orang-orang yang terjejas akibat peperangan. Kempen ini menyeru semua pihak termasuk sektor awam dan swasta untuk menyokong perjuangan kemanusiaan ini.
Kerjasama itu bertujuan mengumpulkan RM4.6 juta untuk membantu 22,000 orang pelarian dalam negara (IDPs) yang terjejas teruk dan memerlukan bantuan kemanusiaan, terutama makanan, tempat perlindungan dan penjagaan kesihatan.
Six years after the start of the conflict, Yemen continues to face a devastating and unrelenting humanitarian and protection crisis that risks turning into famine if the international community does not act urgently.
Ongoing conflict – Since the beginning of 2021, the conflict in Yemen has taken a sharp escalatory turn following the most recent offensive in Marib Governorate. The increase in hostilities has so far forced more than 1,000 families (6,000 individuals) in Sirwah district to flee their homes. Only a peaceful political resolution of the conflict can halt further suffering.
Famine and displacement – Some 16 million persons across the country are currently food insecure. Latest UNHCR and Food Security Phase Classification data reveal that there is a strong correlation between displacement and extreme food insecurity. Displaced families are four timesmore at risk of falling into hunger than other Yemenis. Out of the total four million IDPs, over 67 per cent live in districts categorized as being in an emergency food insecure situation, a phase just below famine.
Collapsed economy – Following years of conflict, Yemen’s economy and currency have collapsed. A situation that has only worsened after the outbreak of COVID-19. Up to 80 per cent of Yemenis live below the poverty line. Some 92 per cent of displaced families have reported not having any income at all or living with less than YER 25,000 (USD 40) per month.
HALUAN Response

Sejak keganasan meletus pada akhir Mac 2015, Yaman kekal menjadi negara yang berdepan dengan krisis kemanusiaan terburuk di dunia. Kesan kumulatif dari konflik lebih dari enam tahun, kemerosotan ekonomi, dan keruntuhan institusi, telah menyebabkan 24 juta orang – sekitar 80% penduduk – memerlukan bantuan dan perlindungan kemanusiaan serta 13.5 juta orang (45% penduduk) menghadapi masalah sekuriti makanan.
Perang telah menyebabkan kira-kira 233,000 kematian, termasuk 131,000 yang kekurangan makanan, perkhidmatan kesihatan, dan infrastruktur. Selain itu, disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar kemiskinan dalam keluarga Yaman dan peningkatan jumlah tahanan, ramai wanita menjadi mangsa golongan rentan terhadap penderaan dan dipaksa bekerja dengan gaji sikit umtuk tamping keluarga mereka.
Akibat peningkatan konflik, jumlah pelarian dalam negara (IDPs) turut meningkat. Menurut laporan UNICEF 2020, 4.4 juta warga Yaman kehilangan tempat tinggal, 73% daripadanya adalah wanita dan kanak-kanak. Namun, golongan rentan masih terdedah denganwabak penyakit, bencana alam, dan konteks sosio-politik dan ekonomi. Mereka juga kekurangan akses kemudahan kesihatan dan pendidikan serta air minum yang bersih. Menurut laporan UNICEF 2020, 12.2 juta kanak-kanak memerlukan bantuan kemanusiaan yang merangkumi lebih daripada 35% penduduk Yaman. Hampir, 3.6 juta kanak-kanak di bawah lima tahun kekurangan zat makanan pada tahun 2020, dan 1.71 juta kanak-kanak kehilangan tempat tinggal pada tahun yang sama.
Help Yemen
Six years after the start of the conflict, Yemen continues to face a devastating and unrelenting humanitarian and protection crisis that risks turning into famine if the international community does not act urgently.
Ongoing conflict – Since the beginning of 2021, the conflict in Yemen has taken a sharp escalatory turn following the most recent offensive in Marib Governorate. The increase in hostilities has so far forced more than 1,000 families (6,000 individuals) in Sirwah district to flee their homes. Only a peaceful political resolution of the conflict can halt further suffering.
Famine and displacement – Some 16 million persons across the country are currently food insecure. Latest UNHCR and Food Security Phase Classification data reveal that there is a strong correlation between displacement and extreme food insecurity. Displaced families are four timesmore at risk of falling into hunger than other Yemenis. Out of the total four million IDPs, over 67 per cent live in districts categorized as being in an emergency food insecure situation, a phase just below famine.
Collapsed economy – Following years of conflict, Yemen’s economy and currency have collapsed. A situation that has only worsened after the outbreak of COVID-19. Up to 80 per cent of Yemenis live below the poverty line. Some 92 per cent of displaced families have reported not having any income at all or living with less than YER 25,000 (USD 40) per month.
HALUAN Response

Sementara itu, lebih daripada dua juta kanak-kanak tidak bersekolah di seluruh negara, yang menyumbang kepada peningkatan buruh kanak-kanak. Menurut lporan IPC, pada tahun 2021, hampir 2.3 juta kanak-kanak dibawah usia lima tahun di Yaman dijangka berisiko kekurangan zat makanan. Selain itu, enam tahun konflik melanda ekonomi terjejas teruk sehingga menyebabkan kadar pertukaran mata wang nasional ‘Yaman Riyal’ jatuh berbanding Dolar (US) dari 215 YER ke satu Dolar (US) pada tahun 2014 kepada hampir 900 YER pada awal 2021. Ini telah mengakibatkan kadar kuasa beli perlahan; harga produk makanan meningkat berbanding sebelum tercetus konflik perang.
Masanya telah tiba untuk kita memberi bantuan kemanusiaan kepada rakyat Yaman yang telah menjadi pelarian domestik. Oleh itu, kami gabungan NGO melancarkan kempen bantuan kemanusiaan untuk membantu Yaman di bawah naungan kedutaan Yaman di Malaysia dengan kerjasama MRA, MyCARE, HALUAN, GPM, ALTAWASUL, INSAN, dan masyarakat Yaman di Malaysia bertujuan untuk meringankan penderitaan mangsa konflik peperangan di Yaman.
Laporan mediaHALUAN
Help Yemen
Six years after the start of the conflict, Yemen continues to face a devastating and unrelenting humanitarian and protection crisis that risks turning into famine if the international community does not act urgently.
Ongoing conflict – Since the beginning of 2021, the conflict in Yemen has taken a sharp escalatory turn following the most recent offensive in Marib Governorate. The increase in hostilities has so far forced more than 1,000 families (6,000 individuals) in Sirwah district to flee their homes. Only a peaceful political resolution of the conflict can halt further suffering.
Famine and displacement – Some 16 million persons across the country are currently food insecure. Latest UNHCR and Food Security Phase Classification data reveal that there is a strong correlation between displacement and extreme food insecurity. Displaced families are four timesmore at risk of falling into hunger than other Yemenis. Out of the total four million IDPs, over 67 per cent live in districts categorized as being in an emergency food insecure situation, a phase just below famine.
Collapsed economy – Following years of conflict, Yemen’s economy and currency have collapsed. A situation that has only worsened after the outbreak of COVID-19. Up to 80 per cent of Yemenis live below the poverty line. Some 92 per cent of displaced families have reported not having any income at all or living with less than YER 25,000 (USD 40) per month.
HALUAN Response

Help Yemen
Six years after the start of the conflict, Yemen continues to face a devastating and unrelenting humanitarian and protection crisis that risks turning into famine if the international community does not act urgently.
Ongoing conflict – Since the beginning of 2021, the conflict in Yemen has taken a sharp escalatory turn following the most recent offensive in Marib Governorate. The increase in hostilities has so far forced more than 1,000 families (6,000 individuals) in Sirwah district to flee their homes. Only a peaceful political resolution of the conflict can halt further suffering.
Famine and displacement – Some 16 million persons across the country are currently food insecure. Latest UNHCR and Food Security Phase Classification data reveal that there is a strong correlation between displacement and extreme food insecurity. Displaced families are four timesmore at risk of falling into hunger than other Yemenis. Out of the total four million IDPs, over 67 per cent live in districts categorized as being in an emergency food insecure situation, a phase just below famine.
Collapsed economy – Following years of conflict, Yemen’s economy and currency have collapsed. A situation that has only worsened after the outbreak of COVID-19. Up to 80 per cent of Yemenis live below the poverty line. Some 92 per cent of displaced families have reported not having any income at all or living with less than YER 25,000 (USD 40) per month.
HALUAN Response