
Condolences to Family of Dr. Mursi

Condolences to Family of Dr. Mursi

Condolences to Family of Dr. Mursi

BANDAR BARU BANGI, 18 June 2019  — HALUAN records its grief and condolences over the death of former Egyptian President, Dr Mohamed Mursi yesterday while he was present at a court hearing in Cairo, Egypt.

He was 67 years old and was imprisoned since 2013 after a violent coup de tat orchestrated  by the Egyptian military regime. Dr. Mursi is said to be suffering from several chronic illnesses including diabetes as well as liver and kidney diseases. Many claimed that he died due to the refusal of the Egyptian authorities to administer proper medical treatment for him while imprisoned as the trial proceeds, plus other claims of torture and non-conducive confinement.

HALUAN supplicates for the deceased Dr. Mursi in that Allah SWT shall bestow martyrdom upon him,  and wishes to put on record our utmost condolences to all his family members.

Dr Abdullah Sudin Ab Rahman, President of HALUAN

Takziah Kepada Keluarga Almarhum Dr Mursi

BANDAR BARU BANGI, 18 Jun 2019 — HALUAN merakamkan rasa kesedihan dan takziah di atas kematian mantan Presiden Mesir, Dr Mohamed Mursi semalam, semasa beliau sedang hadir dalam perbicaraan di mahkamah di Kairo, Mesir.

Beliau berusia 67 tahun dan telah dipenjarakan sejak tahun 2013 selepas berlaku peralihan kuasa ganas yang didalangi rejim tentera Mesir. Dr Mursi dikatakan menghadapi beberapa masalah kesihatan kronik termasuklah diabetes serta penyakit hati dan buah pinggang. Ramai pihak mendakwa beliau mati diakibatkan keengganan pihak berkuasa Mesir memberikan rawatan selayaknya kepada beliau sepanjang beliau dipenjarakan sepanjang perbicaraan, ditambah lagi dengan penyiksaan dan kawasan tahanan yang tidak kondusif.

HALUAN mendoakan kebaikan buat almarhum Dr Mursi agar Allah SWT menganugerahkan syahid di atas pemergiannya, dan ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi ucapan takziah kami kepada semua ahli keluarga beliau.

Dr Abdullah Sudin Ab Rahman, Presiden HALUAN