- Nescafe, Milo, Ovaltine
- Perrier, Vittel
- Pure Life
- Libby’s
- Maggi
- Milkybar, KitKat, Quality Street, Smarties, After Eight, Lion, Aero, Polo, Frutips, Butterfingers, Smarties, Baby Ruth, Chips Ahoy!, Shreddies cereal
- L’Oreal
- Yoco
- Neslac, Nespray, Everyday, Omega Plus Acticol, Nesvita, Nan, Nestum, Gerber, Lactogen, Coffeemate, Nestea, Nesquik, Carnation, Milkmaid
- Purina, Friskies
HASIL KAJIAN: Syarikat Switzerland ini mempunyai 54% kepentingan di dalam syarikat pengeluar makanan Israel, Osem Investment. Pada tahun 2000, Nestle mengumumkan akan melabur jutaan dollar Amerika untuk membuka pusat penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) di Israel. Osem adalah antara syarikat pengeluar makanan terbesar di Israel. [1] Eksekutif VP dan CTO Nestle Werner Bauer semasa melakukan lawatan ke Israel baru-baru ini menyatakan Nestle akan memasarkan produk keluaran Pusat Penyelidikan Osem di Sderot ke seluruh dunia. Pusat Penyelidikan Osem yang merupakan sebahagian daripada kilang makanan Osem di buka dalam tahun 2002. [3] Pada tahun 1998, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, mewakili Nestle menerima Anugerah Jubilee daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Netanyahu. Anugerah ini merupkan penghargaan tertinggi yang dikurniakan oleh “negara Israel” kepada individu-individu dan organisasi-organisasi yang paling banyak menyumbang kepada ekonomi Israel melalui pelaburan dan hubungan perdagangan. [3] MAKLUMAT TAMBAHAN & RUJUKAN: [1] ISRAEL’S FOOD PRODUCER OSEM TO BUY FOODTECH FOR $20 MILLION http://www.investinisrael.gov.il/NR/exeres/FDC2758D-8EF5-41DB-B52E-83FE627E1962.htm?guid={6C508CFA-4F91-46FE-A29A-54DC79835609} Jerusalem-based food producer Osem said its subsidiary Tivall Min Hatsomeach Ltd. (Tivall) had agreed to acquire U.S. based FoodTech International, a producer of vegetarian food products. Under the agreement, Nestle which owns a 54 percent stake in Osem, would contribute $9.4 million for FoodTech’s intellectual property rights, while Tivall would pay $10.6 million for the company’s operations. FoodTech markets frozen meat substitute products in North America under the Veggie Patch label. The acquisition is intended to facilitate further expansion of Osem’s international operations in the North American market by leveraging FoodTech’s activity. The acquisition follows Osem’s purchase of Tribe Mediterranean Food Company LLC, which makes and markets Middle Eastern salads in the North American market. Osem, founded in 1942 as a marketing company, is one of the largest food corporations in Israel. Nestle currently owns 54% of Osem Foods. [2] NESTLE VP ANNOUNCES INTENTION TO MARKET OSEM SNACK PRODUCTS WORLDWIDE (07/2008) http://www.investinisrael.gov.il/NR/exeres/719A199B-794F-42D6-8DE2-0507EC1C4EEC.htm?guid={9032E3FD-4826-4D38-9054-00F3C26A2C42} Nestle Executive VP and CTO Werner Bauer on a visit to Israel pronounced that “Snack foods developed and produced at the Osem development center in Sderot will be included in Nestle’s products worldwide”. Of the 23 global development centers Nestle maintains around the world, Osem’s Sderot center focuses mainly on snack foods, like kid-favorites Bamba and Bissli. Headquartered in Switzerland, Nestle employs 265,000 people in 23 development centers worldwide. Its R&D center in Sderot was opened in 2002 and is part of the Osem food factory, of which Nestle is the controlling shareholder. Nestle posted 2007 revenues of over $103 billion; Osem’s 2007 revenues were $854 million. Nestle and Osem together own a majority 51% stake in baby food manufacturer, Materna which they purchased from Maabarot Products for $61.8 million in 2007. [3] Friends of Al-Aqsa http://www.aqsa.org.uk/ [sumber bagi senarai penerima Anugerah Jubilee – Islamic Human Right Commision] [4] Senarai lengkap produk Nestle di Malaysia http://www.nestle.com.my/nestle+in+your+life/our+brands/ [5] Senarai lengkap produk Nestle http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-nestl-brands