Media Statement : All Parties Must Assist The Rohingyas
Media Statement
All Parties Must Assist The Rohingyas
After more than six weeks since the Myanmar Government imposed an emergency rule over the Rakhine (Arakan) region, indiscriminate attacks and acts of violence against the Rohingya minority continues to this day.
HALUAN Malaysia’s reece scouts who rushed to the Bangladesh-Myanmar border recently were informed by leaders of the Muslim Rohingya minority there that violence against them has not abated despite the curfew enforced. Ironically the government allowed the zealots in Rakhine to execute all forms of cruelty, including torture and killing of Muslim minorities in the said area.
This was further strengthened by the fact issued by Amnesty International on July 19, 2012 which reported an increase in human rights violations, in which victims continue to be prevented from getting humanitarian aid including medical treatment. At the same time, the media were barred from obtaining evidences to make an independent report. The Rohingya Ulema Council also reported an increase in Rohingyas victims who were not only killed but also suffered from the effects of starvation, injury or illness due to unavailability of medical help.
HALUAN Malaysia as an NGO with humanitarian crisis at heart sympathises with the victims in Rakhine and urges all parties to extend humanitarian assistance as soon as possible. This crisis in Rakhine requires sincerity, commitment and dedication from all parties to investigate its actual cause, and then finding a permanent solution to it. People in Rakhine are entitled to live dignified in their own country, not driven out by extremist Myanmar that refuses to recognise them as her legitimate citizens.
The Myanmar government should review the Citizenship Law (1982) to allow the Rohingyas to be accepted as legitimate citizens. Civilization dialogues between religious figures and scholars, especially amongst the Muslims and Buddhists should become an important agenda so that all parties can live in harmony and respect each other while curbing tyranny, as espoused in the teachings of their religion. We understand that Buddhism is very anti-violence, especially with regards to murder and rape of others. Unfortunately, this does not hold true on the horizons of Arakan, Myanmar. Therefore, we urge all religions wherever they are to come together and condemn this cruel and inhumane tragedy.
Humanitarian aid and the media should be given access to enter and guaranteed of their safe passage to carry out humanitarian works in fairness and freedom.
Nobel Peace Laureate, Aung San Su Kyi, should prove her true leadership qualities by taking a prudent and honest stance to raise these issues at the international forum so that the issue of exclusion of the Rohingya community and refugees that lasted since 1942 can be resolved based on universal human rights. In tandem with the laureate conferred to her, Aung San Su Kyi must oppose all forms of tyranny and injustice on the Rohingya community.
HALUAN Malaysia says that neighboring Bangladesh should also allow the temporary placement of the Rohingyas to ease in humanitarian aid. The Apartheid-style policies of the international community, including the OIC, ASEAN, the neighboring countries and Western powers, unleashed upon the Rohingya community must be halted for the harmony of the future generation. The ASEAN Secretariat should convene an emergency session on the issue of Rohingya as it smears the reputation of ASEAN as a country grouping that upholds the concept of equitable freedom and peace.
HALUAN Malaysia has formed a special committee to assist the Rohingyas. The committee under the Bureau of Humanitarian Mission of HALUAN has conducted a study and collaboration with the international organisation, IHH to organise effective measures, particularly to help the victims of violence who are in need of humanitarian assistance in view of the forthcoming rainy season.
In conclusion, HALUAN Malaysia urges all its members and those caring souls out there to continue giving attention to the plight of the Rohingya community by providing assistance in the form of dissemination of information, donations, humanitarian aid and sincere prayers. Let us make this Ramadhan a month of training for us to be more loving and sympathetic towards those who are less fortunate than us.
Dr Hj Abdullah Bin Ab Rahman Sudin
HALUAN Malaysia